Cap Collectif Developers - GraphQL API


This part of the schema is currently available for developers to preview. During this preview period, the API may change without any advance notice. Please see Schema previews for more details.

An argument



body (String!)

The content of the argument.

createdAt (DateTime!)

Identifies the date and time when the object was created.

id (ID!)

The ID of an object.

notPublishedReason (NotPublishedReason)

Reason that the entity is not published.

publishableUntil (DateTime)

Identifies when the entity can no more be published.

published (Boolean!)

Whether or not the entity is published.

publishedAt (DateTime)

Identifies when the entity was published at.

related (Contribution)

Return the related contribution if the contribution is related to another.

trashed (Boolean!)

Whether or not the contribution is trashed.

trashedAt (DateTime)

Identifies the moment the moderator trashed the contribution.

trashedReason (String)

Identifies the reason why the moderator trashed the contribution.

trashedStatus (TrashableStatus)

Identifies the trashed visibility.

type (ArgumentValue!)

The type.

updatedAt (DateTime)

Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated.

url (URI!)

Url of the contribution